Why I Don’t Vote
Historically, most Anabaptists have avoided the political realm. We must decide if our choice to stay out of politics has been convictional, or merely circumstantial. Continue reading Why I Don’t Vote
Historically, most Anabaptists have avoided the political realm. We must decide if our choice to stay out of politics has been convictional, or merely circumstantial. Continue reading Why I Don’t Vote
Jesus is calling the church to uniquely display His presence in their lives. He is calling the church out of the nations and, as we go, we must call the nations into the kingdom of God. Will we hear the King’s call? Continue reading Separation: A Means of Worldwide Blessing? (Part Three)
The call to holiness is a call to separate in order to experience God’s presence. A separated people is equipped to mediate blessing to the world. Continue reading Separation: A Means of Worldwide Blessing? (Part Two)
The biblical concept of separation is dynamic and possesses global implications. God intends to use separation as a means of worldwide blessing. Continue reading Separation: A Means of Worldwide Blessing? (Part One)
“[Luther] so altered the landscape of the modern world that much of what we now take for granted may be traced directly to him” Continue reading Book Review: “Martin Luther” by Eric Metaxas
Jesus has called His followers to respond differently, and we either tarnish or demonstrate our heavenly citizenship by our conduct as earthly citizens. Continue reading Dynamic Citizens
Throughout history, Christians have tended to emphasize either mystical inner transformation (important) or outer good works (also important) at the expense of the other. To take both of these and synthesize them into a Christ-like whole requires handling and skills greater than our own bumbling efforts. Continue reading What is Discipleship?
Skeletons are not attractive. They are, however, popular lawn ornaments right now – just take a stroll through my small town. “Ah yes,” the average homeowner is likely to say, “nothing says ‘fall’ quite like a dead body and a … Continue reading Halloween: The Cultural Onion
I am a graduate student at the university in my town. In regards to this venture, two well-meaning Christian men have taken it upon themselves to offer frequent advice. “What do you study at that school?” says one, an Amish … Continue reading Christian in College