The Power of Repetition
Children do not find something they have heard a thousand times boring. They rejoice in repetition. Continue reading The Power of Repetition
Children do not find something they have heard a thousand times boring. They rejoice in repetition. Continue reading The Power of Repetition
Jesus is calling the church to uniquely display His presence in their lives. He is calling the church out of the nations and, as we go, we must call the nations into the kingdom of God. Will we hear the King’s call? Continue reading Separation: A Means of Worldwide Blessing? (Part Three)
The call to holiness is a call to separate in order to experience God’s presence. A separated people is equipped to mediate blessing to the world. Continue reading Separation: A Means of Worldwide Blessing? (Part Two)
The biblical concept of separation is dynamic and possesses global implications. God intends to use separation as a means of worldwide blessing. Continue reading Separation: A Means of Worldwide Blessing? (Part One)
The sexual revolution seems to be an unstoppable avalanche. Behaviors previous generations couldn’t have imagined are making shocking advances. So how should Christians respond? Continue reading Understanding the Sexual Revolution
Jesus has called His followers to respond differently, and we either tarnish or demonstrate our heavenly citizenship by our conduct as earthly citizens. Continue reading Dynamic Citizens
The Reformation In his book Start With Why, Simon Sinek argues that the single most important concept for any company, person, or movement is to know why they do what they do. This year is the 500th anniversary of the … Continue reading Why We Need Reform
I often wonder whether it will be possible to replay historical events in the life after death. At the top of my list would be to watch the Lord’s Supper. What were the Apostles thinking as Jesus broke the bread … Continue reading The Lord’s Supper
A Big Mac As I pulled into the McDonalds parking lot, I noticed a malnourished man rummaging through the trash. My first thought was to buy him food. Accepting my offer, he proceeded to order a large Big Mac meal. … Continue reading The Future of an Entitled Culture