Checklist for Life
Could I too, choose to believe God
and have it counted to me as righteousness? Continue reading Checklist for Life
Could I too, choose to believe God
and have it counted to me as righteousness? Continue reading Checklist for Life
Children do not find something they have heard a thousand times boring. They rejoice in repetition. Continue reading The Power of Repetition
As I walked the late-night streets of New York City, looking for the nearest subway ride home, I asked God to give me opportunities to shine the light. I didn’t have to wait long for Him to answer my prayer. Continue reading What I Learned On A Late Night Subway Train
I am privileged to be called by God. I consider it an honor to do His work and I do it with joy. But I also recognize that even joy-filled privileges are not painless. Continue reading To Obey Is to Sacrifice
I know that the birth, life, and death of Christ are the most incredible happenings in human history. Oh, what gifts! Therefore, it is never enough just to say how Jesus was born years ago. I have to say why it matters to me now. Continue reading Merry Mission: A Gospel-Sharing Opportunity
I have become aware of the incredible work the organization does around the world–much more, it turns out, than distributing bar soap and a soccer ball at Christmas time. Continue reading Operation Christmas Child: More than Shoeboxes
So where to next? Retirement on the beach somewhere?
“I’d say next is re-fire-ment!” Continue reading Interview with Allen Roth
My four-year-old nephew knows that gardens are good, and rabbits are not. Rabbits who come hopping into the backyard to munch his mother’s garden are, in his own words, “badder than false preachers!”
False preachers don’t always come into our backyards and brazenly munch at our theology. But they do come to public platforms and bookshelves with some convincing arguments, some personal testimonials, and some Bible verses to back them up. Continue reading American Gospel: Christ Alone
Within the first several centuries after Christ, there was a thriving church in North Africa. It was the home of influential church fathers like Origen, Tertullian, and Augustine. Today, it’s a completely different story… Continue reading How Will They Hear Unless We Speak Their Language?