Dear Class of 2020
How will these extraordinary experiences shape your lives? God only knows. Continue reading Dear Class of 2020
How will these extraordinary experiences shape your lives? God only knows. Continue reading Dear Class of 2020
“Could there possibly be a way to completely banish “gray areas” from our lives and churches?” Continue reading Do Gray Areas Exist?
It was my privilege to interview Lyle about his new website as well as a topic that we are both passionate about—music. Continue reading Musical Notes with Lyle Stutzman (an interview)
It seems that the more we talk about things like racism, religion, gender identity, and other platforms of discrimination, the more divided we become. Is it even worth it? Continue reading Do You Discriminate?
Can a God who allows tragedy really be trusted and loved without fear? Continue reading Love is a Risk
Fifteen percent of Jesus’ recorded teachings are on the subject! Our Lord and Savior was obviously a believer in the power of mammon, and – if we are his followers – we too must harness this power. Continue reading The Five Keys to Biblical Finances
Just over a year ago, the AIIA held a conference in Bangor, Maine. This apologetics conference, named “Why Jesus,” featured famous speakers such as Ravi Zacharias and Lee Strobel and quickly sold out of its 6,755 tickets. Saturday morning at … Continue reading Music Review – Hymns of the Church #2
Donald Trump says “Merry Christmas” “Donald Trump says ‘Merry Christmas,’ Obama wishes ‘Happy Holidays’” the Washington Times headline announces. Christmas is once again in the spotlight. President-elect Donald Trump has been very intentional about saying “Merry Christmas” the past couple … Continue reading Christmas Through the Ages
A Portrait of a Mennonite What comes to your mind when you think of the Mennonites? Good cooks? Horse and buggies? Hard working farmers or construction workers? Shrewd business owners? Volleyball? Thrifty penny-pinchers? Modesty? Legalistic pulpit-pounders? A cappella singing? Non-resistant … Continue reading What is a Mennonite?