M.K. Perspectives – Part 2
Living in Mongolia, life was normal. And then coming back here is when it felt different… but He was faithful. Continue reading M.K. Perspectives – Part 2
Living in Mongolia, life was normal. And then coming back here is when it felt different… but He was faithful. Continue reading M.K. Perspectives – Part 2
It was actually immersing into the Thai culture, if we could go to church with them and do things with the church family. It’s not necessarily like their services were different—the same praise and worship, and the message, and you know, sharing times and stuff, but they just did it in their own way. Continue reading M.K. Perspectives – Part 1
I know that the birth, life, and death of Christ are the most incredible happenings in human history. Oh, what gifts! Therefore, it is never enough just to say how Jesus was born years ago. I have to say why it matters to me now. Continue reading Merry Mission: A Gospel-Sharing Opportunity
Never before have I been so quickly offended by a book. Continue reading Letters to the Church
So take a personal lesson from Leah. Are you tempted to compromise with the world in order to avoid hard and uncomfortable situations, or do you cling to Christ? Continue reading Learning from our Persecuted Family
How many of you are in the habit- as I have been- of performing heart surgery on yourselves? Continue reading Think Again: Relief from the Burden of Introspection – A Book Review
You can offer one thing to a stranger that no one else can – your friendship. Continue reading Scaling Cultural Walls