Naturally Divine
We live in a world of wonders, yet how often do our sin-smeared eyes even notice them? He is a God of miracles, but we are not always people who receive them. Continue reading Naturally Divine
We live in a world of wonders, yet how often do our sin-smeared eyes even notice them? He is a God of miracles, but we are not always people who receive them. Continue reading Naturally Divine
Coronavirus persists in changing our lives, and we are tired of it. But how can Christians follow Jesus’ example of suffering love even in times like these? Continue reading The Way of Christ in a Global Pandemic
If we are the body of Christ on earth, should His hands be clutching expensive coffee drinks? Should His feet spend their time dangling into cool blue water? Should His mouths selfishly devour excessive amounts of food? Continue reading Does God Want Us to Have Fun?
If beauty really does flow straight from God’s essence, why are we so wary of it? Continue reading Why Beauty Matters