No Little Women
This book definitely bears a needed message for the church today, and many would benefit from reading it. Pastors and church leaders would do well to heed Byrd’s message to them. Continue reading No Little Women
This book definitely bears a needed message for the church today, and many would benefit from reading it. Pastors and church leaders would do well to heed Byrd’s message to them. Continue reading No Little Women
In an age of political, technological, and social upheaval, Anabaptists are still the “silent in the land.” Why are we so quiet, and why do we not engage freely with those around us? Continue reading Open Hearts: Keeping Loving Spirits in an Age of Distrust
Perhaps, like the disciples, our first instinct is to wonder, “When will the end be?” Jesus’ response is the same 2,000 years later. Instead of telling us exactly when it will be, He tells us how we should live. Continue reading And Then The End Will Come
He is enough, At least, that’s what I’m supposed to believe; The pastor said so yesterday. But his life and mine look nothing alike. His children look happy, peaceful, and smart; He holds his wife’s hand as they walk into … Continue reading Is He Enough?
For Rome, Christianity was not simply new or unusual, but fundamentally so; dangerously so. In “Destroyer of the gods,” Larry Hurtado reveals the distinctions that set Christianity apart from, and in stark opposition with, the Roman world. Continue reading Destroyer of the gods: Early Christian Distinctiveness in the Roman World
Like any relationship, our relationship with God also thrives on quality time spent together. Yet when we’re waiting in line or staving off boredom, it’s easy to gravitate toward our phones instead of sitting in silence and talking to God. Constantly being entertained by something else makes it nearly impossible to hear from Him. Continue reading Tyrant in My Pocket
Most significantly, headship and its subsequent symbols demonstrate the gospel relationship between Christ and His Bride. They are a marvelous opportunity for us to embody the most glorious truth of our faith – our Savior and His Church. Continue reading Christian Headship: Obligation or Opportunity?
What does it mean to be Anabaptist? How do we discern God’s will? What is the unique value of Anabaptism in today’s culture? Continue reading Radi-Call Editor Q&A’s: What Does It Mean to Be Anabaptist? Family vs. Church? …And More
“In those early years as a believer I had no idea Christians could be coy about their faith. No one had told me I was meant to feel awkward about spreading the good news. That was something I learnt only … Continue reading Book Review: “The Best Kept Secret of Christian Mission” by John Dickson