Frank Reed: My Personal Testimony
Victory is possible. It is Christ in you, the hope of glory! Continue reading Frank Reed: My Personal Testimony
Victory is possible. It is Christ in you, the hope of glory! Continue reading Frank Reed: My Personal Testimony
Imagine you’re a nomad several thousand years ago, and come upon the entire Egyptian army lying dead on the shore of the Red Sea. Not only that, but you also see a group of people singing joyfully on the opposite shore! If … Continue reading Why We Should Think About Hell
The landscape of Anabaptist history is permeated with a diverse cast of characters. People from many times and places have grappled with what it means to be a follower of Christ. In this article, you will be introduced to five … Continue reading Five Anabaptists Everyone Should Know
My name is Matt Waldron. Our family moved from Indiana to Fort Lauderdale in January 2016, to participate in church planting. I’ll tell you some of our story. This is not the prototype of church plants and I am not … Continue reading The Adventure
In Genesis 12:3, God gave Abram a promise: “In you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” (NKJV) The word “families” is not referring to a father, a mother, and children. It’s a word that means “tribe” or … Continue reading God is a Missionary God
With the public undressing of the western world, Christians desperately need to revive the discussion on modesty. Biblical Christians will keep this issue alive and will continually call one another to a higher standard than the world around us. We … Continue reading Toward a Theology of the Body
West of town sits a magnificent building. Classic red brick. Immaculate landscaping. Gleaming white steeple. Obviously it is a monument to the resources and the industry of its occupants. But it’s not a church, not even a gathering place for … Continue reading Red Brick Heresy
The signs of end times seem to be a subject that draws an element of sensational, if not almost mystical, attention. There appears to be an innate interest, both within and without the community of the Christian faith, in … Continue reading Signs of The Times