Created To Work – Why Your Job Matters
God takes care of people, but does so behind a mask of human work. Continue reading Created To Work – Why Your Job Matters
God takes care of people, but does so behind a mask of human work. Continue reading Created To Work – Why Your Job Matters
To me, it seems like patience is recognizing that something or someone is more important than what I want right now. It’s humility. Continue reading Lessons from a Snail {Patience}
Living and working on a team is: arduous, fulfilling, exhilarating, risky, beautiful, dynamic, stretching, joyous, and much more. For the past two years, I have been privileged to live and work on a team in a missions setting. This … Continue reading Better Together: Christian Teamwork
“Jesse James used a gun.” “…I’m sorry, what?” “JESSE. JAMES. USED. A GUN.” “………..” Points to coffee menu: “Jesse James used a gun to rob people. You just use this little sign.” Just another day at the cafe. Another customer … Continue reading Reflecting Christ in the Workplace