Love is a Risk
Can a God who allows tragedy really be trusted and loved without fear? Continue reading Love is a Risk
Can a God who allows tragedy really be trusted and loved without fear? Continue reading Love is a Risk
We wage war by a different method, and our weapons are words of truth and love in action. Continue reading Nonresistant Love
I saw them in Grandma’s kitchen long before I remember seeing them in the aisles at Walmart – red, heart-shaped boxes. Grandma’s boxes, high up on the shelf, were the largest I’d ever seen. Decorated with silk flowers, ribbons, and … Continue reading A Love That Lasts
“Can a couple make it in marriage if they disagree on everything?” (Chapman 93). Gary was standing outside the church house in his small hometown. The Sunday morning service had just let out and he was relaxing under a chinaberry … Continue reading The Five Love Languages
The Reality of Victims As many as a dozen young girls, some appearing to be eight or nine, paraded before the camera, smiling for their prospective customer, gathering around him like a group of excited little Girl Scouts trying to … Continue reading Child Trafficking
Book Summary She had attained much in the eyes of the world. She was a lesbian activist, a respected English professor who had been tenured in her department, and the Director of Undergraduate Studies at Syracuse University. For Dr. Rosaria … Continue reading The Secret Thoughts of An Unlikely Convert
Called as a Christian Who are they? Where are they from? Should we take them in? What if something happens? Refugees. Merely mention the word and you will get a reaction, an opinion, or a debate. Most recently the debate … Continue reading Refugee Crisis
We have been united as follows concerning the ban. The ban shall be employed with all those who have given themselves over to the Lord, to walk after [Him] in His commandments; those who have been baptized into the one … Continue reading The Ban
He sits there—tears streaming from his dark gray eyes, like a stream falling over a rough, jagged boulder. You sit at his side, arm around his shaking shoulders. The news had hit him hard—his mother had cancer for several months, … Continue reading Christ-Centered Counseling