Living in Light of Eternity
Are you awake? Are you like the servants preparing for His return… Continue reading Living in Light of Eternity
Are you awake? Are you like the servants preparing for His return… Continue reading Living in Light of Eternity
Perhaps, like the disciples, our first instinct is to wonder, “When will the end be?” Jesus’ response is the same 2,000 years later. Instead of telling us exactly when it will be, He tells us how we should live. Continue reading And Then The End Will Come
Jerusalem shall be inhabited as villages without walls, because of the multitude of people and livestock in it. And I will be a wall of fire all around, declares the LORD, and I will be the glory in her midst. … Continue reading A City Without Walls
The signs of end times seem to be a subject that draws an element of sensational, if not almost mystical, attention. There appears to be an innate interest, both within and without the community of the Christian faith, in … Continue reading Signs of The Times