Book Review: How People Change
Unless we change our hearts, our actions will never completely change. Continue reading Book Review: How People Change
Unless we change our hearts, our actions will never completely change. Continue reading Book Review: How People Change
As long as Satan can keep them quiet, keep them hiding, keep them dwelling in their shame, he has them right where he wants them. Continue reading Sexual Sin in the Church
Your friends are about to do something that you know is wrong, but you don’t want to seem like the goody two-shoes who always spoils their fun so you stay quiet. Your co-worker is going through a really hard time … Continue reading Fear of Man vs. Life in Christ
“I have had enough! Lord, take my life.”1 He simply did not have the courage or strength to go on. This man of God had dedicated his life to zealously working and praying for his deepest desire to be fulfilled, … Continue reading Facing Discouragement
Sin. It’s all around us. The depravity of man seems to scream from every street corner. Whether it’s a parent abusing a child, a husband committing adultery, a teenager bound to drug addiction, or mass murder; all of us, in … Continue reading Man and His Sin
He sits there—tears streaming from his dark gray eyes, like a stream falling over a rough, jagged boulder. You sit at his side, arm around his shaking shoulders. The news had hit him hard—his mother had cancer for several months, … Continue reading Christ-Centered Counseling