Jesus but not the Church?
Church is not an event that takes place on Sunday mornings, rather, the church is a body. Continue reading Jesus but not the Church?
Church is not an event that takes place on Sunday mornings, rather, the church is a body. Continue reading Jesus but not the Church?
At my church, just through the front doors and to the left stands a prominent piece of furniture – the church mailboxes. With row upon row of Eberly’s, Hershberger’s, Miller’s, Yoder’s, and Wenger’s, each wooden compartment hanging with newsletters and … Continue reading Understanding Church: Accountability and Commitment
Imagine being stranded—to invoke a place well-known in hypothetical situations—on a remote, uninhabited island. Shivering and weak, you are out on the Pacific Ocean, miles from civilization. Would you be lonely? Or, you live safely inland in a high-rise residential … Continue reading The Only Valid Excuse for Loneliness
Living and working on a team is: arduous, fulfilling, exhilarating, risky, beautiful, dynamic, stretching, joyous, and much more. For the past two years, I have been privileged to live and work on a team in a missions setting. This … Continue reading Better Together: Christian Teamwork
Bitter Confusion “Help Lord! Why is this happening? My church is breaking apart. I thought Christians were supposed to build each other up; not tear one another down. I am so confused right now. What is a godly church supposed … Continue reading The Church of Christ
Brian sat on the edge of his bed. Tears welled up from inside his deep blue eyes. He was tired of the vicious cycle of fighting and failing. For months, he had been trying hard to defeat the sin pattern … Continue reading The Importance of Accountability