It’s a well-known fact that Christians have a lot of money. Just ask Joel Osteen or Creflo Dollar. That’s likely the reason there are over 2,000 verses in the Bible that speak about money. Furthermore, fifteen percent of Jesus’ recorded teachings are on the subject! Our Lord and Savior was obviously a believer in the power of mammon, and – if we are his followers – we too must harness this power. Understanding the intricacies of wealth should be one of the main goals of every Christian young person, so for your benefit I have compiled a list of the top five keys to Biblical finances.
1. Find a job that pays high wages.
The local job market will likely depend on where you live, but any hard-working, resourceful person can find a high-income profession if they search diligently enough. Be willing to put in those 70-hour weeks to get ahead – it will definitely pay off in the long run. You may even want to consider starting your own business, as owning a business is often very lucrative.
Avoid low-paying jobs unless you are desperate. Occupations such as teaching school and working in social services are basically a waste of your time. Furthermore, while VS may look good on your Christian resume, it is essentially financial suicide. Don’t do it unless you feel an absolute, beyond-a-shadow-of-a-doubt call from God in that direction.
2. Tithe faithfully.
In Leviticus, God commands his people to tithe. Even though we don’t strictly adhere to many other commands in the Levitical law, this is one point where we must not waver. Make sure that God gets exactly 10% of every one of those paychecks. Jesus praised the widow for giving only two mites – imagine how He must feel when we give a hefty 10% of our hard-earned, plush American paychecks. Christ must be ecstatic! And while the occasional LeTourneau may draw some admiration, this type of thinking is only for fanatics.
3. Spend on Kingdom building.
Alright! Now that God has His fair share, we need to decide what to do with the rest of our money. This is where a lot of young Christians slip up. The temptation may be very great to spend all your money on things that you desire for your own, but we must remember that even the 90% of our finances that belong to us should be used for Kingdom building.
One of the foremost ways that God builds His Kingdom is through Christian families. As a young person, you will want to invest a good percentage of your money in building your future family. As everyone knows, stylish clothing and accessories like fast cars, big trucks, and the latest iPhone will make you much more attractive to the opposite gender. These are the types of wise investments that can pay big dividends when you land that ideal marriage partner and can finally move on to impacting the world with your Christian family.
If you happen to be a young person that is already blissfully married, then you’ll want to continue to invest in your family. Be sure to keep them happy and comfortable by securing as high a standard of living as you can possibly manage. RVs, boats, and expensive family vacations do a great deal to build family morale and are therefore a high priority. Not only will your family be blessed, but your neighbors will see something special in you. It’s a powerful way to make Christianity look attractive and fun.
4. Be thrifty.
Another way to be faithful stewards of our finances is thriftiness. I would suggest shopping at yard sales and swap shops as often as possible. It’s a good idea to stop by your local thrift store at least twice a week and to check Craigslist every day to make sure that you don’t miss out on any deals. I know a girl that has saved hundreds of dollars by buying 48 of her 50 pairs of shoes at Goodwill and one of my friends has saved $200 on each of the last 5 hunting bows that he has purchased because he found them on Craigslist. This kind of thriftiness has always inspired me, and I’m sure it is a sweet-smelling savor to God as well.
5. Protect your assets.
The Bible also contains warnings about earthly treasures. We are probably all familiar with the verses in Matthew 6 where Jesus warns us about earthly treasures and the appalling danger of moths and thieves. This is a very legitimate concern and therefore, we must be very careful to protect our assets. Home security systems and closed-circuit cameras can be a helpful theft deterrent, but I would also recommend purchasing a quality safe since they are both moth and thief-proof ( gives some nice options in large custom safes). Depending on how much “treasure” you own, you may want to consider vaults and underground bunkers as well.
So, there you have it. The top five keys to Biblically navigating the minefield of finances. May the blessings of the Father rain down upon you as you selflessly put them into practice. Happy Kingdom building!
[Ok, my friends, let’s be serious now for a minute. The subject of money and finances is definitely not something that I feel I have mastered. In fact, the more I study it, the more I am convinced that there are so many different situations and circumstances that blanket statements are very dangerous to make. But I think that in our individualistic American culture we often forget the fundamental concept that, ultimately, everything is God’s. Also, compared to most of the world, we have been blessed beyond imagination. I certainly am not trying to condemn high wages, Christian stewardship, or saving – rather I hope that this little bit of satire has challenged us to consider the attitude and motives behind how we use the blessings God has given us.]
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Troy Stauffer’s home lies just north of Hershey, PA (the sweetest place on earth). A member of the class of 2011 at Faith Mennonite High School, he has now returned to his alma mater as Mr. Stauffer and teaches some math, science, and phys ed classes. When not grading papers or doing lesson prep, he enjoys sports, videography, strategy games, spending time with friends, singing, and playing piano. |