Changes at Radi-Call

Radi-Call readers,

Thank you for your support and encouragement since our conception. In the past few months, we decided the blog needed an internal structure change in order to sustain our article output and the necessary volunteer administration positions. With this in mind, we are planning to refrain from posting articles during the month of January 2020 and use that time to reorganize.

Currently, we post one article per week. Beginning in February 2020, we will consistently post an article every other week in the following categories: theology/application, creative arts/creative non-fiction, current events/interviews, and reviews. Throughout the year, we will also post, at random, articles sent in by our writers.

We hope these structure changes will allow for more variety in our articles and, hopefully, allow our writes to wrestle through topics instead of just giving a pat answer. We would appreciate your prayers during this time of change!

The Radi-Call Team